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In this post I will show you how to unlock a .zip file without password, for this you need a linux based system. For Windows user you can use VirtualBox to run a virtual version of  a linux OS.

You can view the following post to see how to run Kali Linux in VirtualBox for Windows and Mac users :

Installing Kali Linux using VirtualBox

When you are done installing a Virtual machine the next step is cracking the password of the .zip file 
The video tutorial of cracking a .ZIP file is  here :


The cracking involves installing fcrackzip to your system and finding password for your zip file.

The command for installing and cracking .ZIP  are :

sudo bash
to get root privileges

apt-get update
to download and update the repositories

apt search fcrackzip
to search 'fcackzip' in the repository

apt-get install fcrackzip
to install the fcrackzip tool

fcrackzip -v -u -b _______
command to crack the password -v is verbose -u is use-unzip and -b is brute-force attack, the ______ must be filled with the path of the  .ZIP file

there are a load of option in fcrackzip like
 -d can be used for dictionary attack
 -c can be used to set character-set of the password attack (eg fcrackzip -v -u -b -c a ,fcrackzip -v -u -b -c A)
 -l is used to set length of the password attack to instantiate (eg fcrackzip -v -u -b -l 4 )

Here are the option for the attacks performed using fcrackzip

fcrackzip  [-bDBchVvplum2] [--brute-force] [--dictionary] [--benchmark]
       [--charset    characterset]    [--help]    [--validate]     [--verbose]
       [--init-password    string/path]   [--length   min-max]   [--use-unzip]
       [--method name] [--modulo r/m] file...

       -h, --help
              Prints the version number and (hopefully) some helpful insights.

       -v, --verbose
              Each -v makes the program more verbose.

       -b, --brute-force
              Select brute force mode. This tries all possible combinations of
              the letters you specify.

       -D, --dictionary
              Select  dictionary  mode.  In  this  mode,  fcrackzip  will read
              passwords from a file, which must contain one password per  line
              and should be alphabetically sorted (e.g. using sort(1)).

       -c, --charset characterset-specification
              Select  the  characters  to use in brute-force cracking. Must be
              one of

                a   include all lowercase characters [a-z]
                A   include all uppercase characters [A-Z]
                1   include the digits [0-9]
                !   include [!:$%&/()=?{[]}+*~#]
                :   the following characters upto the end of the spe-
                    cification string are included in the character set.
                    This way you can include any character except binary
                    null (at least under unix).

              For example, a1:$% selects lowercase characters, digits and  the
              dollar and percent signs.

       -p, --init-password string
              Set  initial  (starting)  password  for brute-force searching to
              string, or use the file with the name string to supply passwords
              for dictionary searching.

       -l, --length min[-max]
              Use  an  initial password of length min, and check all passwords
              upto passwords of length max (including). You can omit  the  max

       -u, --use-unzip
              Try  to  decompress  the  first  file  by calling unzip with the
              guessed password. This weeds out false positives when not enough
              files have been given.

       -m, --method name
              Use method number "name" instead of the default cracking method.
              The switch --help will print a list of  available  methods.  Use
              --benchmark  to  see  which  method  does  perform  best on your
              machine. The name can also be the number of the method to use.

       -2, --modulo r/m
              Calculate only r/m of the password. Not yet supported.

       -B, --benchmark
              Make a small benchmark, the output is nearly meaningless.

       -V, --validate
              Make some basic checks wether the cracker works.

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Unlock a ZIP file without password

By Me And Media → Sunday, 16 October 2016