Unlock a ZIP file without password

By Me And Media → Sunday, 16 October 2016

In this post I will show you how to unlock a .zip file without password, for this you need a linux based system. For Windows user you can use VirtualBox to run a virtual version of  a linux OS.

You can view the following post to see how to run Kali Linux in VirtualBox for Windows and Mac users :

Installing Kali Linux using VirtualBox

When you are done installing a Virtual machine the next step is cracking the password of the .zip file 
The video tutorial of cracking a .ZIP file is  here :


The cracking involves installing fcrackzip to your system and finding password for your zip file.

The command for installing and cracking .ZIP  are :

sudo bash
to get root privileges

apt-get update
to download and update the repositories

apt search fcrackzip
to search 'fcackzip' in the repository

apt-get install fcrackzip
to install the fcrackzip tool

fcrackzip -v -u -b _______
command to crack the password -v is verbose -u is use-unzip and -b is brute-force attack, the ______ must be filled with the path of the  .ZIP file

there are a load of option in fcrackzip like
 -d can be used for dictionary attack
 -c can be used to set character-set of the password attack (eg fcrackzip -v -u -b -c a ,fcrackzip -v -u -b -c A)
 -l is used to set length of the password attack to instantiate (eg fcrackzip -v -u -b -l 4 )

Here are the option for the attacks performed using fcrackzip

fcrackzip  [-bDBchVvplum2] [--brute-force] [--dictionary] [--benchmark]
       [--charset    characterset]    [--help]    [--validate]     [--verbose]
       [--init-password    string/path]   [--length   min-max]   [--use-unzip]
       [--method name] [--modulo r/m] file...

       -h, --help
              Prints the version number and (hopefully) some helpful insights.

       -v, --verbose
              Each -v makes the program more verbose.

       -b, --brute-force
              Select brute force mode. This tries all possible combinations of
              the letters you specify.

       -D, --dictionary
              Select  dictionary  mode.  In  this  mode,  fcrackzip  will read
              passwords from a file, which must contain one password per  line
              and should be alphabetically sorted (e.g. using sort(1)).

       -c, --charset characterset-specification
              Select  the  characters  to use in brute-force cracking. Must be
              one of

                a   include all lowercase characters [a-z]
                A   include all uppercase characters [A-Z]
                1   include the digits [0-9]
                !   include [!:$%&/()=?{[]}+*~#]
                :   the following characters upto the end of the spe-
                    cification string are included in the character set.
                    This way you can include any character except binary
                    null (at least under unix).

              For example, a1:$% selects lowercase characters, digits and  the
              dollar and percent signs.

       -p, --init-password string
              Set  initial  (starting)  password  for brute-force searching to
              string, or use the file with the name string to supply passwords
              for dictionary searching.

       -l, --length min[-max]
              Use  an  initial password of length min, and check all passwords
              upto passwords of length max (including). You can omit  the  max

       -u, --use-unzip
              Try  to  decompress  the  first  file  by calling unzip with the
              guessed password. This weeds out false positives when not enough
              files have been given.

       -m, --method name
              Use method number "name" instead of the default cracking method.
              The switch --help will print a list of  available  methods.  Use
              --benchmark  to  see  which  method  does  perform  best on your
              machine. The name can also be the number of the method to use.

       -2, --modulo r/m
              Calculate only r/m of the password. Not yet supported.

       -B, --benchmark
              Make a small benchmark, the output is nearly meaningless.

       -V, --validate
              Make some basic checks wether the cracker works.

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We 'Me And Media' will share and provide tricks and tutorial from media editing sofware to find your password for word file. We have just started our blog, we will post many updates soon.

4 comments to ''Unlock a ZIP file without password "

  1. would it unlock .rar files

  2. i dont see link to download file here

  3. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. hier
